I'm at home after more then 7 days...I wish to smell of my home...:$... In this morning I was hurry up to second-hand market,with big wishes and small expectations...:)...Lukily for me,my expectations are wrong...I had great shoping...two XXL jumpers,shoes and boots for only 15KM!!! :D
Cipele i čizme će trebati malo dorade u vidu čišćenja i mazanja kremom za cipele..:).../ Shoes and boots will be necessary to clean and put on some cream for shoes....:)..
Tako zadovoljna i hepi,posle buvljaka sam išla na kaficu s prijateljicama iz srednje škole...Jako dugo se nismo vidjele,bilo nam je potrebno puuuno razgovora...:)..Super smo se provele...Evo kako sam se obukla za tu "posebnu" prigodu...:)
I was satisfied an happy and after going to second-hand market I went in nearby caffe bar to see my friends from high school...We have not seen for a long time...My two friends and had a great time together... There is my outfit for that occasion...:)...
Sutra vas očekuje novi outfit post...za danas je to to...do sutra očekujem vaše komentare na današnji outfit i ulov s buvljaka...:)...Ljubi vas Vaša D.
Tomorrow awaits you a new outfit post...it's everything for today...Until tomorrow,I expect your comments for my today's outfit and shoping on second-hand market...:)...Kisses for you...Your D.
cizme ce sa malo ulickavanja biti savrsene!
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper krpice si pronasla :)
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper ulov!